04 December 2007

Day 2, 3 and 4 of Tom's life

Since we have been home, it has been manic. We have had many visitors and nappies to change. Here are just a couple more photos from the other cameras. We haven't taken many photos are home really. To busy making the memories at this stage.

More will come.

Day 3, just hanging around.

Tom is getting ready for Christmas

Another photo from the hospital, just after birth. Tom was in the 'heating tray' in the labour room.

It was hard , so we had a kip when we got home !

Here are the happy / scared ! grandparents on the day Tom arrived home.

Thank you all for your cards, flowers, texts, emails and phone calls. Its all a bit overwhelming at the moment, but we will get to each and every one of them shortly.

Lots of love from Claire, Adrian & Baby Tom.